Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition

map highlights.

49,000 people, in nearly 150 countries

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia de-serunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem.


Lastest Forests Stories

We work where we can make the biggest impact and bring you in-depth reporting about the people and ideas making a difference. These are the stories you’ll want to share.
Donation Received
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Money Donated
$ 0 M
Active Campaingns
0 +
Charity in last Year
$ 0 M

What People Say About
Our Company

Trusted by more than 4,500 Customers

Meet Our Volunteers

The Wi.Help was created with a simple mission: bring people together to restore and enhance our National Forests and Grasslands.

We work together with businesses, government, and nonprofits, and each partner plays a specific role in accelerating progress.

Support us! Join our global community.

give money.

Will you change a child’s
life today?

Invest in people. Invest in your neighborhood.
Invest in a stronger Community.

give time.

Share your time, share your love for community

We love hearing from you, and there are lots of ways you can get in touch.


Vital services provided to


Staff and volunteers
working across 16 countries


Invested in all our programs
last year


People helped all over the

Projects you can trust

We fully vet every nonprofit in our community. We’ve even conducted site visits for most organizations—even those in the remote Amazon!

Training and support

We offer tools, training, and one-on-one support to help nonprofits get the funding and resources they need.

Customized programs

Your sponsorship encompasses health and educational programs and resources, designed to address the specific issues each child faces in their community.

United States and Canada

In the U.S., we work in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. In Canada, we work in all 10 provinces and each of the three territories.


We work in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and more.

Asia and the Pacific

We work in many countries in Asia and the Pacific, including the Philippines, India, Nepal, Australia, New Zealand and more.


Listening Sessions

Today, as children around the world are growing up in a deadly pandemic, we are supporting frontline health workers and providing education and hygiene supplies to help families and communities protect themselves and stay healthy.



Today, as children around the world are growing up in a deadly pandemic, we are supporting frontline health workers and providing education and hygiene supplies to help families and communities protect themselves and stay healthy.



Today, as children around the world are growing up in a deadly pandemic, we are supporting frontline health workers and providing education and hygiene supplies to help families and communities protect themselves and stay healthy.

Donate to Our Association.

Donating to a charitable foundation or a favorite cause displays the best of human nature.

Current Work

Listening Sessions
Affordable Housing
Wi.Help, backed by a scientific network, is growing a movement of responsible companies, large and small, that are committed to having a positive impact for people and our planet. Wi.Help works with communities, local organizations and NGOs to develop scalable reforestation projects, demonstrating that restoring our degraded landscapes is possible if we all work together.
Our contact
Volunteers helping carry
out our global mission.
0 K

How We Work?

We collaborate, restore, improve livelihoods, and measure our impact.
Building upon corporate and scientific partnerships, Wi.Help’s mission is to empower communities to sustainably advance and implement innovative, high standard, scalable and lasting solutions to restore forests and landscapes. Collaboration is fundamental to being able to Make Earth Cooler with trees.
Our partners are from all over the world.
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