Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition

Windsor Park residents watch their struggles in UNLV documentary

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – It’s an issue that FOX5 has been covering for years and that the neighborhood itself has been dealing with for decades: the sinking streets of Windsor Park in North Las Vegas.

On Saturday, residents of about 90 families who live in the Windsor Park neighborhood attended a screening of a documentary followed by a community discussion.

“Windsor Park: The Sinking Streets” is an award-winning documentary by UNLV film and law students bringing attention to the decades-long struggles of a community in North Las Vegas.

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“I’ve been in Windsor Park for 46 years. I’ve seen it beautiful, and now it’s like living in a gutter,” said Windsor Park Resident Nancy Johnson.

After the documentary screening, residents shared their own experiences of living in the neighborhood that was deemed unsafe in the early 1990′s due to unstable ground.

“Driveways are cracking, the streets are bumpity-bump, the houses are leaning,” said Johnson. “We complain, we complain, we complain, the city does nothing.”

In 1994, the city of North Las Vegas got federal funding to help Windsor Park residents move to safer grounds.

About half took them up on the offer, but the residents who remained have since been dealing with unkept vacant lots and a foundation sinking beneath them.

Now, a new bill proposed by Senator Dina Neal would move the remaining Windsor Park residents to a housing development built with city and state funds.

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That bill is still in the early stages, and although many Windsor Park residents at the meeting Saturday said they’d be sad to leave their childhood homes behind, organizers said most are in support of the bill and would be willing to make the move.

“If the city of North Las Vegas refuses to fix the homes, then yes, we are so about this bill. We want to be moved,” said Community Organizer Mercedez Davis. “We are glad that Senator Neal is keeping us together as a family, as a community and giving us the same proportion houses as what we had in Windsor Park.”

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