Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition Announces New Coordinator
For Immediate Release, February 03, 2022 Contact: Cinthia Moore, (702) 338-8084, nejc.coordinator@gmail.com Nevada — Today, the Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition, a coalition of 14 Nevada-based organizations united in the fight for intersectional climate action and environmental justice, announces the hiring of their first Coalition Coordinator, Cinthia Moore. Moore has been advocating for environmental justice as […]

Nevada Climate Strategy Fails To Prioritize Justice
Nevada Climate Strategy Fails To Prioritize Justice Nevada — The Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition’s partner organizations provided initial reactions to the state’s climate strategy released by the Nevada Climate Initiative (NCI) and Governor Sisolak yesterday evening. The strategy is a good start, but omits much of the bold action necessary to meet the scientific realities […]

Nevada State Climate Initiative statement: EcoMadres
My name is Cinthia Moore, the national lead for EcoMadres, which is a project of Moms Clean Air Force, and a proud member of the Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition. We are an organization of over a million moms and dads across the country that have come together to fight for clean air for our children. […]

Nevada State Climate Initiative statement: Moms Clean Air Force
My name is Jennifer Cantley and I am a born and raised Nevadian with 3 beautiful boys. I currently live in Carson City, Nevada, but was raised in Gardnerville Nevada. I had the pleasure of starting the Moms Clean Air Force Nevada Chapter almost 4 years ago, and am currently the Northern Nevada Field Consultant. […]

Nevada State Climate Initiative statement: Center for Biological Diversity
The Center for Biological Diversity is an international conservation organization dedicated to saving life on earth and a member of the Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition. We are fighting the twin crises of extinction and climate, which threaten all life on earth. We believe that the forces which oppress and subjugate nature are the same forces […]

Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition Joint Statement: Nevada State Climate Initiative
Hello, my name is Ainslee Archibald and I’m the Coalition Coordinator for the Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition. Today, I’m proud to represent the organizations we’ve brought together for this listening session. In addition to uplifting the voices of our partners, I wanted to raise some of our issues with this process, which are as follows: […]

Nevada State Climate Initiative statement: Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter
Ensuring Climate Justice is centered in Nevada’s Climate Plan means prioritizing those most impacted by climate change when drafting solutions. This means listening to front line communities by breaking the mold of traditional community outreach and empowering those already feeling the impact to be in the room where the decisions are made. In Nevada, frontline […]

Nevada State Climate Initiative statement: Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
PLAN believes everyone has the right to live in a clean and healthy environment, regardless of their race, income or immigration status. Addressing our dependence as a nation, and especially in Nevada, on an extractive economy, is central to our Environmental Justice campaign. Currently, poor and marginalized communities are disproportionately affected by pollution and climate […]

Activists call for Justice to be core in Nevada’s Climate Plan
Activists call for Justice to be core in Nevada’s Climate Plan Nevada — Representatives of the Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition and its partner organizations spoke today at the Nevada Climate Initiative’s virtual listening session on climate justice. Community members and representatives of organizations alike raised issues with the process and discussed their work for climate […]