Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition

[BILL HEARING] Extreme Weather Working Conditions Bill

Extreme Weather Working Conditions Bill Amended and Heard

SB 427 was heard today at Senate Committee on Government Affairs. 

The bill aims to give additional & specific protection for outdoor and indoor workers

*Pre-recorded Sound Bites Available Here*

Carson City, NV – This Monday, the “Extreme Weather Working Conditions Bill” was heard at the Senate Committee on Government Affairs. SB 427 revises the existing occupational safety and health law to include specific programs and training to protect indoor and outdoor workers from extreme heat in the state of Nevada. Currently, the law does not define extreme heat or heat-related illness, giving too much room to employers to create their definitions of safety for employees. 

During the hearing Sen. Edgar Flores, highlighted the conceptual amendments he made to the introduced bill, in an effort to continue to work with stakeholders. Conceptual Amendments for SB 427 include:

  • Amend (page 2 lines 11 through 15)
    •  The establishment of a program to mitigate heat illness on any day that the expected temperature is 105 degrees Fahrenheit or greater regardless of whether employees work outdoors or in an indoor setting without climate control. The original bill sets extreme temperature at 95 degrees fahrenheit and above. 
  • Amend (page 2 lines 16 through 18 and page 3 lines 4 through 6) 
    • Not less than one quart of cool potable drinking water per employee for each hour the employee is required to work;
  • Amend (page 2 lines 21 through 23)
    • Employees will be given hydration periods as needed throughout the workday to prevent heat illness.
  • Amend (page 3 lines 9 through 10)
    • Employees have hydration periods as needed throughout the workday.
  • Additional Language to be added: 
    • Carving out critical emergency infrastructure employees. 
    • Carving out emergency services personnel.
    • Exceptions for shade requirements where an employee is working on a building and shade requirement would create a safety hazard.


ABOUT Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition: The Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition is a network of organizations committed to ensuring that equity, justice, and sustainability are brought into governmental decision-making in the face of climate change. We implement this by discussing the impacts of a disrupted climate, sharing information, and coordinating strategies and tactics to create meaningful solutions to the challenges we face. Our goal is to encourage equitable growth, improved corporate business models, and responsible planning at all levels and to address climate change and apply an intersectional approach to addressing the challenges and finding meaningful solutions. The Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition is conformed of the following 14 organizations: Center for Biological Diversity, EcoMadres, Great Basin Resource Watch, Indivisible of Northern Nevada, Make It Work Nevada, Make the Road Nevada, Moms Clean Air Force, Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter, and Sunrise Movement Las Vegas Hub.

Committee Bill to Protect Workers from Extreme Weather Conditions

SB 427 was introduced today at Senate Committee on Government Affairs and aims to give additional & specific protection for outdoor and indoor workers

*Interviews Available Upon Request in Northern and Southern Nevada*

Carson City, NV – This Monday, the “Extreme Weather Working Conditions Bill” was introduced in the Nevada legislature at the Senate Committee on Government Affairs. SB 427 revises the existing occupational safety and health law to include specific programs and training to protect indoor and outdoor workers from extreme heat in the state of Nevada, as the current law does not define extreme heat or heat-related illness, giving too much room to employers to create their definitions of safety for employees.

The Extreme Weather Working Conditions Bill”  wants to give additional and specific protection not just for employees working directly under the sun, but also to those who are exposed to heat and poor air quality while working indoors.

The human impact of excessive heat is one many Nevada residents are familiar with, including our outdoor workers; who will finally have their concerns heard with the introduction of this bill. The NEJC has brought forward a bill to protect outdoor workers, and those working indoors without climate controls. Working in extreme heat and poor air quality conditions will worsen chronic conditions such as cardiovascular and kidney diseases, and diabetes-related illnesses as well as suffer from asthma attacks and heart attacks. Said Cinthia Moore, the Coalition Coordinator for the Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition.

The Extreme Weather Working Conditions Bill will focus on several concerns including but not limited to: 

  • Creating a set definition of extreme heat to weather at or above 95 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Mandating one quart of water per employee per hour for hydration
  • Enforcing required breaks for employees under these extreme conditions
  • Proper respiratory protection
  • Training and monitoring of employees for signs of heat-related illnesses as well as proper training for responding to such situations


ABOUT Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition: The Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition is a network of organizations committed to ensuring that equity, justice, and sustainability are brought into governmental decision-making in the face of climate change. We implement this by discussing the impacts of a disrupted climate, sharing information, and coordinating strategies and tactics to create meaningful solutions to the challenges we face. Our goal is to encourage equitable growth, improved corporate business models, and responsible planning at all levels and to address climate change and apply an intersectional approach to addressing the challenges and finding meaningful solutions. The Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition is conformed of the following 14 organizations: Center for Biological Diversity, EcoMadres, Great Basin Resource Watch, Indivisible of Northern Nevada, Make It Work Nevada, Make the Road Nevada, Moms Clean Air Force, Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter, and Sunrise Movement Las Vegas Hub.

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